Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Castle Rock #10

Sam and Eric layed there helplessly. Tied up, Roger was advancing on them with a large cub like stick. It seemed like it had been a long time ago when they were both on the beach with Piggy and Ralph discussing what they should next about Piggies glasses getting stolen. Sam eyes widened when Roger raised the club. YES he should join Jacks tribe, he wasn't going to be tortured. Then images of Piggy being crushed by the rock swept past his mind. NO Jack was cruel and he would resist. Eric was wimpering... when the club made contact with his back it hurt bad, his eyes watered. He wanted to scream, fine ill join you! Then he looked past Rogers shoulder and saw the ledge which he used to push off the rock. He closed his eyes as another unbearible blow hit his shoulder. Then Piggy Flashed through his mind, Simons screams echoed through his mind, and the first day played back. He wished they never came here, he wished Piggy didn't die. Eric felt so helpless.

Both the twins sreamed for mearcy as ROger unleashed his worst blows yet. Both were ashamed on failing Ralph, he was probubly worried about them. But he had more to worry about then Sam and Eric.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Piggy Hunt: Blog # 9

Ralph was quiet. I wasn’t speaking either. There was nothing to talk about after all. Nothing happened last night. I wowalked up to me and I peered up at him he spoke,
“Piggy? Are you the only one left?”
I replied. The conversation continued. We talked a bit about, Simon and we established that it was an accident and none of us were there. Then we also talked a bit about the fire then Sam and Eric walked up to us. I suddered at all the mentionings of Simon and the party last night at Jacks. But in the end we all established that we went to sleep early because we were tired.
Late in the next day after I lost my glasses. I could hardly see anything because I had horrible eye sight. I tried to stifle a cry as I stubbed my toe on a logs edge. Ralph attempted to gesticulate his sympathy to me, it didn’t matter I was already blind. I was smothered by my misfortune. But then I looked up even though I ould hardly see, the sun was there, as bright as ever. It was hope, and a ball of phosphorescence which was the only shield against the beast.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Simons last: Prompt # 8

I stirred when I was awoken. The Lord of the Flies was standing there, a cruel smiling sporting his wicked decaying face. I spoke to him, no answer. The conversation was so real I could hardly believe it when I spoke the reply was silence. I was right before. All these times I was correct about the Beast actually being us. My mouth was dry and I was thirsty. My black hair matted to the side of my ears. None of which mattered right now. Ralph, Piggy and all the littleuns were going to fall to jack and his superstition about the beast.

I must not let this happen, or the chances of survival were as slim as there chance to find the beast. The beast... it was the beast. I must prove that its a lie, I know it is. I felt frustrated though, how was I ever to prove it when the beast has nothing to prove, for all I know it could be a log, fat Chance that would be for me to tell them the giant monster they all pictured was actually a chunk of rotting wood. Silliness aside, I have to prove it. I looked up at the mountain, perhaps I'll start there; just then on the canopy of gray clouds a giant puff of dark blue rose on the top of the trees on the mountain top.

Interesting, perhaps a start. I am making my way up the jagged rocks of the mountain as passing many piglets cowering tremulously behind a palms trunk. I am now shuddering but stopped suddenly and keeping a steadfast pace up the hill.

I come to a sudden stop, I'm in shock. Wow I can't believe it! A body at least two weeks old was rotting away with a parachute attached to its back. How sad, with an improper burial. Risking his life who knows where and falling to his death on a savage island. His family was probably worried sick and searching all over for him. I felt a misery at this thought. How sad, how depressing, how... gross. I fell on my knees and began to puke like a broken pipe. I felt disgusted and the satisfaction only puking could get you. But I looked at the dead man, and pitied. I released the burden of the parachute.

The beast. My breaths were uneven and I felt my head feel slightly off again. My eyes were unfocused. This was the beast! I was joyful. I found it. Ralph will surly find this enough evidence to satisfy the whole group.

I looked around off the tops of the mountains. The Storm above was so complete it began to sprinkle. I ignored it. I saw a fire glowing on the dark beaches of the island. The fire was out of place but I sprinted down scraping my feet on the undergrowth. Vines tangles on to my arms as though to hold me back. It felt strangely familiar, as if I were a child to close to the edge of a ledge, and a ,parent was holding me back from harm. I ripped off the great tangle of jungle weeds and ran faster. I took little notice of anything else as my new discovery bloomed many other thoughts in my head. Perhaps the lord of the flies doesn't exist, perhaps I was right to run away from the savageness of humans.

Once again I was met by another road block. A pig. I looked at the little pig. It was pale pink with eyes that were black and full of understanding. I didn't mov, neither did the pig. I'm watching it carefully as it looks at me fearfully, just then I hear it over the roar of the wind,


I'm running again. I come to the edge of the forest and I watch savage figures dimmed by the lack of light but still visible becaus eof the fire. I am instantly engulfed into a circle. Savages I thought, but faces flickered, Ralph, Jack, Sam, and Eric. People were throwing rocks at me I scream,


I felt my hair being pulled of in tuffs and my leg being bitten. The circle was not of my friends, but of the beasts. I yelled again trying to get over the agony of pain,

"ON THE MOUNTAIN TOP," I was now yelling in agony but pressed on, "man.. dead.."

They were vicoiusly pressing on. But I wasn't done. I wasn't going to let them die. I felt the punching of fists pound on my head, I spoke with a weak voice,

"Please... listen, man... dead... on mountain..."

Rain was pouring all over. The beasts screamed in disconfert and ran away. I felt a trickel of blood run down the side of my nose. My breaths are now numbered to the single digits. The water of the waves washed over me. my eyes began to blur. I felt the corruption of the man kind wash over me. Then the voice of The Lord of the Flies rang in my ears.

"The Beast always wins,"

I realised what this meant. I slowly slipped away. I failed none of the know that the beast doesn't actually exsist. The disconfert of my matted hair mattered no longer, I felt at peace. It was better this way. I dies before it all got worse. The only problum was who else would join me.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Charater Profile: Blog Quest

BLUE: Ralph: Ralph has brownish hair and I think brown eyes. His hair is longer because of his stay on the island and he is smiling because he is a happy person in the book. He is the leader in the book and he also is more noble then most of the other characters because he doesn't fall into the entrap of the beast.

PINK: Piggy: Piggy is wearing broken glasses because Jack broke them in one of the earlier chapters while he punched him in the nose. Piggy has a round face because he is plump and short hair because it just never seems to grow. In the book he is the smart character who thinks of the big issues that need to be addressed. Not until late in the book is he respected by Ralph and most of the other boys not including Jack because he doesn't get along with him very well.

GREEN: Simon: He has black hair that is long and in the book is the shy one. He is better Friends with Ralph even though he started out as a hunter (Jacks leader of them). In the book he out of all the boys connects with nature the best. In fact he has a little spot where he sits just to listen to the nature.

RED: Jack: He has long orange hair and blue eyes. He is the mean one in the book. Not only mean but cruel. As the book progresses you notice him become less and less civilized and more savage. In other words he falls to the beast. The beast is a symbol for the dark side of humans. Its hard to be his enemy because he is the leader of the hunters. The one big flaw about Jack is he thinks its all a game... he doesn't think its all real.

Roger: Post # 6

It was boring... A few people were talking but the rest of us were just quiet eating our fruit. So far we hadn't seen a beast or anything else. The I heard from a distance the squeal of a pig, quickly Jack began to make his way towards the source of the commotion, then a pig came running right past us, Jack pushed past us to follow it. The other boys trying to catch up. Then Ralph came into view panting while holding his spear. He said he stabbed the pig. I was awed at the thought and laughed at the thought of a pig running around with a spear stuck to it. But once again Ralph and Jack began to fight, this time on who was more popular. Jack showed us a small bloody cut. I relished the amount that was pouring out. But then things were back to normal. But when Ralph began to lead the group I could have sworn Jack was sniveling a bit. The Ralph brought us back to more seroius issues, the beast. He sagely explained to us why we had to persue it. We had to find it before night fall or else it would be to risky. Ralph and Jack were going to go up the hill saying ut was the only place it could be. I agreed. I also offered to come with them. It could be fun finding the beast, perhaps we would kill it and eat it too, I grinned at the thought. Maybe it tasted good... Beast meat? So we climbed. Once we were high up I stayed quiet. Even though I was eager to kill the beast, I still was afraid of what was lurking behind the bushes. We were finally up. Jack went to find the beast first, he claimd he saw it. Me and Ralph followed. Thn we saw it. Larger then any animal I had seen. Deep black eyes were looking at us as though infuriated. I stepped back, there were an infinite times I was scared but now I was about to faint. I tried to lift my spear but my arms were uncompromising so instead I ran. As I ran I Ralph and Jack were gaining a few steps ahead of me. I kept stumbling due to a bunch of coverts but I managed to not fall. Jack fell behind because of all the coverts and his steps were slowly becoming more blundersom.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Interview with Ralph: Blog Quest

Announcer: Welcome to the Lord of the Flies blog spot Interviews!

(Audience claps then dies down)

Announcer: Now please welcome our very special guest RALPH!!!

(Audience claps louder while Ralph walks onto the platform sits on chair)


Blog spot: Now Ralph I read the book and its great. If you would please tell us what was the scariest thing about living on an island?

Ralph: (looks around at audience then sighs) Well I guess it was the part about being unable to trust your fellow Island mates. You never know when they might turn on you so that is probably the scariest
thing for me as a leader.

Blog spot: Intresting... do you mind me asking another question about the time you and the hunters attacked Robert one of the younger boys who was also stuck on the island. What made you attack him, was it peer persure.

Ralph:(silent for a miniute)Understand that we were on an island for about two months with out anthing. It was strange... I felt asthough someone else was controlling me. But I wasn't even thinking twice, I just had this great desire to kill. Well never mind that; Im sure I was just fooling around, proubly nothing... (continues mumbling)

Blog spot: I have just one more question about your time on the island. I remeber a part were you were imagening about your home, hows was it being away for so long?

Ralph: Well that was one of the hardest parts for me, being away from my home...

Audience: Awwwwww (sighs in sympathy)

Ralph: We probubly would never even had the chance to get off if I wasn't so detirmined to get back to my house.

Blog spot: Thankyou Ralph for your time. Thats all the time we have left see you next time!

(audience claps)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The meeting: Blog Quest

This is the meeting that Ralph calls to make things straight. People weren't doing there duties like having fresh water in coconuts near the shelters. There is also the bathroom place and they need to stop releaving them selves near the fruit. Most importantly there was the fire. They needed to keep it going so they could get rescued. Finally they needed to forget the beast, because is was causing fear. They couldn't have fear when they were on a tiny island. Because the beast was causing them to be distracted from there chores and other duties. It was the informing meeting, if they didn't be orginized things would fall apart.

The Top of the mountain: Blog Quest

When Sam and Eric see the beast

In this scene Sam and Eric see the beast. Or they think they see a beast. It's not actually the beast that they see. It is actually a dead man with a parachute. They ran back to Ralph and woke him up. Later they had a meeting with the big people. They decided that they needed to hunt down the beast and kill it. How this chapter is important is that this increased there fear alot more then before. Now they all are sure that there is a beast. Simon points out at one point that maybe the beast is actually them. This means that the beast actually doesn't exsist and is actually them frigtening them selves.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Before the Plane Crash: Post #5

Intro: This is about the kid I wrote about in the first blog and his life before the island. (I created a fictional situatuion)

I walked by the many trees, each was loosing leaves and looked slightly limper then before. It was ovoius that they were unwatered for days. My mom was never much of a gardener but I think the garden looked grayer for another reason. London was usually rainy so the mucky weather was no stranger. The clouds almost were a shield against reality; almost, but not really. But the air was thick with the stench of oil and it poisened peoples lungs. It was espcially bad for childern, me being about six (but almost seven) included. Out in the lusher areas of london where I lived now this would cause a few questions, that was a long time ago. A few war planes flew a mile above my head. Rain started to pour down as the planes disapeared. With the oils smell and rain mixed together it felt like an acid rain even though I knew it was nowhere near that. I stayed outside because my mum would once again worry sick about me leaving next week. Wind was pounding against my ears making them sore. My breath was rattling, the wild gusts that threw me off balance. I placed my self under the shelter of a tree that looked like a bush. It wasn't half bad place to sit. Like a hiding spot, I sat for a bit. But my mind was racing with thoughts of the upcoming. I ran back out and threw off my coat, my arms were raised. I wanted remeber my home, no matter how rainy it is I want to remember it... I felt the bitter cold bite my arms. I closed my eyes. The sound turned off, though the rain continued. The cold was bearible and the wind was acceptible all of a sudden. I just waited. I don't know How long I could hold off the cold.
A bird fluttered by making a singing noise I watched and with out realising also dropping my arms. They sang dispite the weather, they sang a melody that I new none of but still could understand fully. Though the weather may be bad there was still hope. The storm may go on for a while but it would stop... The sun whould shine again. But they sang for hope, foolish it may seem for a bird to sing in such bad weather, hope was the only thing that kept them going through a storm.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Silent Ralph: Post # 4

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The mountain top was cold because of lack of fire and tense because Jack just hit Piggy. Piggies glasses flickered in the light as the sun shined on them or maybe because he was crying behind them. The colors were opalescence as they whirled in a circle. I watched Piggie look at his glasses and then to Jack in a malevolent manner. A shrill voice in my head urged me to defend him but something else spoke that made me do otherwise. Jack smiled in glee to implicate that he found this amusing (the fact that Piggy was helpless). But when Jack smiled I stared at him incredulously. It was not only the fact that he was being so impossibly rude to Piggy that angered me, but it was also the behavior that Jack took on after it was "HE" who messed up... not Piggy. Jacks preposterous behavior did nothing to improve my mood. Piggy whimpered when ever Jack looked at him but everyone was too busy collecting wood for the newly made fire to notice. It felt like a mirage when I last saw the smoke. Yet here he was next to Jack collecting fire wood. I stared into my hand ashamed that I had not come to the aid of Piggy when Jack slugged him. But it was because if the hunters turned on me I was dead meat... Literally. But then something unexpected happened. Piggy asked for meat from Jack. He wasn't being rude either. This irrelevance to any sort of anger that Piggy felt for Jack disappered, just because of some meat Piggy was finally accepting Jack's Power... What a shame, we forget ourselves just for a bit of meat.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Huts on the beach: Post # 3

I couldn't catch a pig... It angered me so much that I kicked a bush and a couple birds flew out looking at me in bewilderment. Afterwards I felt guilty on being so violent when I didn't achieve something. I looked into the distance where the lazy boys sat watching as the sunset. There expressions were inscrutable when the sun rays blinded my eyes. It was beyond irritating that I, the older one, had to sit behind Ralph as the hunter. I couldn't even hunt good enough to catch a pig. But when the next days arrives I will be ready to attack them. I pushed past a thick clump of tendril and placed my self on a log. I watched Ralph lifting an oppressive log. I fingered the barbed wood on the end of my long spear. The water glimmered as the last moments of sunshine fell behind the deep blue sea. I made a furtive glance at the rest of the boys who were lolling, some were beginning to sleep. I slipped away from them heading up the mountain to the pigs. I whipped past some festoon that was winding it's self on a great palm. The flowers seemed to be showing off in a flaunt manner. I ignored thm because I heard the sqeals of pigs near by. I lifted my spear, this time I was ready...